E-learning book

Computer science

I. Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a field of computer science engaged in the development of intelligent systems capable of learning to perform specialized tasks without the use of a pre-prescribed algorithm

The section is prepared based on https://vas3k.ru/blog/machine_learning /

I.1. Machine learning

Machine learning is the use of mathematical algorithms by which a computer is able to learn without direct instructions

I.2. Classical training

Today, many things in the work of the Internet are based on such classical algorithms: recommendations, blocking suspicious transactions, personalized advertising

I.3. Reinforcement Learning

The essence of reinforcement learning is to teach the robot to survive in the environment in which it was placed

I.4. Ensembles

Ensembles together with neural networks are the main tools that show the most accurate results, they are used by all large corporations and companies

I.5. Neural networks

A well-trained neural network can pretend to be any algorithm and often even work more accurately. This versatility has made them very popular.

II. Java Programming

II.1. Program