E-learning book


I. Analog electronics

II. Digital electronics

II.1. Shift register

Converting a linear signal to a parallel one

III. Static

Statics studies the interaction of bodies at rest, in statics bodies at rest are considered. Statics is the basis for studying the kinematics and resistance of materials.

III.1. Introduction

IV. Kinematics

Kinematics studies motion regardless of what caused these movements. In kinematics, idealized models of objects that have no mass and dimensions are considered.

IV.1. Basic concepts of kinematics

Concepts used in kinematics: material point, motion, trajectory, velocity and acceleration

IV.2. Equations of motion in cylindrical coordinates +2

Cylindrical coordinates are convenient to use for the analysis of systems in which the trajectories of motion are given relative to a radial line, or can be conveniently expressed in cylindrical coordinates

V. Dynamics

VI. Thermodynamics