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Table of dissociation constants

The table shows dissociation constants of inorganic acids and bases in aqueous solutions.

Dissociation constants of substances capable of dissociating as by type acids, and by type of base, are given respectively in two tables (Acids, Bases).

What is dissociation described in article.

Table of acid dissociation constants

Acid Formula Т,°С Ка рКа
Nitrogenous (0.5 M) HNO2 18 4·10-4 3,4
Peroxomonoosmic H2ОsО5 18 8·10-13 12,1
Nitrogen HNO3 25 4,36·10 -1,64
Stannic H2SnО2 18 6·10-8 17,2
Hyponitrous acid H2N2O2 18 2·10-8 210-12 7,7 11,7
Tin (meta) H2SnО3 25 4·10-10 9,4
Nitric acid HN3 20 2,09·10-5 4,68
Peroxodiphosphoric H4P2О8 25 6,61·10-6 2,09·10-8 5,18 7,68
Aluminum (meta)   НАlO2   18 4·10-13 12,4
25 6·10-13 12,22
Rhenium HReО4 25 17,78 -1,25
Leaden Н2РbО2 18 2·10-16 15,7
Boric (meta) Н3ВО2 18 7,5·10-10 9,12
Selenium H2SeО3 25 3,5·10-3 5 ·10-8 2,26 7,3
Таблица 1. Acid dissociation constants
Acid Formula Т,°С Ка рКа
Boric (ortho)   Н3ВОз   25 5,8·10-10 9,24
20 1,8·1013 1,6·10-14 12,74 13,80
Hydrogen Selenium H2Se 18 1,7·10-4 1·10-11 3,77 11,0
Selenic H2SeО4 25 1·103 1,2·10 2 -3 1,9
Hydrobromic acid НВr 25 1·109 - 9
Selenocyanate HSeCN 25 2,19·10-2 1,66
Bromic НВrO3 18 2·10-1 0,7
Sulfuric acid H24 25 1 ·103 1,2·10-2 -3 1,9
Hypobromous НВrО 25 2,06·10-9 8,7
Sulphurous H23 25 1,58·10-2 6,3·10-8 1,8 7,2
Vanadium (ortho) Н3VО4 25 3,24·10-5 1,12·10-9 7,41·10-2 4,49 8,95 11,13
Hydrogen Sulfide H2S 25 6·10-8 1·10-14 7,2 14,0
Tungstic H24 25 6,3·10-5 4,2
Sulfamine NH22OH 25 9,77·10-2 1,01
Таблица 1. Acid dissociation constants (continues)
Acid Formula Т,°С Ка рКа
Gallium (ortho) H3GaО3 18 5·10-11 2·10-12 10,3 11,7
Superoxide of hydrogen 2 25 6,3·10-3 2,2
Hexahydroxosurmian H[Sb(OH)6] 25 4·10-5 4,4
Antimony (ortho) H3SbО4 18 4·10-5 4,4
Hydrogen hexacyanoferrate(S) (ferruginous oxide) H4[Fe(CN)6]   18 1·10-3 3,0
25 5,6·10 -5 4,25
Antimony (meta) HSbО2 18 1·10-11 11,0
Telluride H2TeО3 25 3·10-3 2·10-8 2,5 7,7
Germanium (Meta) H2GeО3 25 1,7·10-9 1,9·10-13 8,77 12,72
Hydrogen telluride H2Te 25 1,0·10-3 3,0
Germanium (ortho) H4GeО4 25 1,7·10-9 2·10-3 8,78 12,7
Telluric (meta)   H2TeО4   25 2,29·10-8 7,64
18 6,46·10-12 11,19
Hypophosphoric (diphosphoric) H4P2O6   25   6,31·10-3 2,2
1,55·10-3 5,37·10-8 9,33·10-11 2,81 7,27 10,03
Таблица 1. Acid dissociation constants (continues)
Acid Formula Т,°С Ка рКа
Hydrosulphurous (dithionic) H2S2O4 18 4·10-3 2,4
Telluric (ortho) H6TeО6 25 2· 10-8 1,1·10-11 1·10-15 7,70 10,95 15
Tetrabornaya H2B4О7 25 10-4 10-9 -4 -9
Dimolybdenum H2Mo2О7 25 9,55·10-6 5,02
Tetrafluorobornaya H[BF4] 25 2,63 · 103 -2,58
Dithionic H2S2O6 25 6,3·10-1 4,0·10-4 0,2 3,4
Technetium HTcО4 18 2,29·10-1 0,64
Diphosphoric   H4P2O7   18 1,4·10-1 0,85
25 1,1·10-2 2,1·10-7 4,1·10-10 1,95 6,68 9,39
Thioseric H2S2О3 25 2,2·10-1 2,8·10-2 0,66 1,56
Thiocyanate (rhodane) HSCN 18 1,4·10-1 0,85
Dichromic H2Cr2О7 25 2,3·10-2 1,64
Triphosphoric H5P3O10 25 1,26·10-1
0,9 4,09 6,98 9,93
Hydrogen iodide HI 25 1·10-11 -11
Таблица 1. Acid dissociation constants (continues)
Acid Formula Т,°С Ка рКа
Tritiogonal H2CS3 20 2,09·10-3 6,03·10-9 2,68 8,22
Iodine (ortho)   H56   25 3,09·10-2 7,08·10-9 1,51 8,15
16 2,5·10-13 12,60
Carbon (true constant) H23 25 1,32·10-4 3,88
Carbon (apparent constants) H23 25 4,45·10-7 4,69·10-11 6,35 10,33
Iodine (meta) HIO4 25 2,3·10-2 1,64
Phosphorous H33 25 1,6·10-2 6,3 ·10-7 1,80 6,2
Yodnovataya   HIO3   18 1,9·10-1 0,72
25 1,7·10-1 0,77
Phosphoric (ortho) H3PO4 25 7,52·10-3 6,31·10-8 1,26·10-12 2,12 7,20 11,9
Hypophosphorous H3PO2 25 7,9·10-2 1,1
Hypoiodous HIO 25 2,29·10-11 10,64
Hydrogen fluoride HF 25 6,61·10-4 3,18
Silicon (ortho)  H4SiО4   25 2·10-10 9,7
30 2·10-12 1·10-12 1·10-12 11,7 12,0 12,0
Таблица 1. Acid dissociation constants (continues)
Acid Formula Т,°С Ка рКа
Hydrogen fluoride (dimer) H2F2 25 2,63·10-3 2,58
Fluorophosphoric H2[PO3F] 25 2,8·10-1 1,6·10-5 0,55 4,80
Silicon (Meta) H2SiО3 18 2,2·10-10 1,6·10-12 9,66 11,80
Chloride HC1О2 18 5·10-3 2,3
Xenon H4XeО6 25 1·10-2 1·10-6 1·10-11 2 6 11
Hydrochloric (hydrochloric) HCl 25 1·107 -7
Dihydroxy(dioxo)manganese H2MnО4 25 7,1·10-11 10,15
Chlorinated HC1О 25 5,01·10-8 7,3
Permanganic HMnО4 25 2·102 -2,3
Chlorosulfonic ClSO3H 20 2,69·1010 -10,43
Molybdenum H2MoО4 18 1·10-6 6,0
Chrome Н2СrO4 25 1·10 3,16·10-7 -1 6,50
Arsenic (ortho)  H3AsО4   25 5,98·10-3 1,05·10-7 2,22 6,98
18 3,89·10-12 11,41
Таблица 1. Acid dissociation constants (continues)
Acid Formula Т,°С Ка рКа
Cyanogen (prussic) HCN 25 7,9·10-10 9,1
Cyanide HCNO 18 1,2·10-4 3,92
Arsenic (ortho)   H3AsО3   25 610-10 9,2
16 1,7·10-14 13,77
1,3,5-Triazine-2,4,6-triol H3C3N3O3 25 1,8 ·10-7 6,75
Cyclotrimetaphosphoric H3P3O9 25 8,91 ·10-3 2,05
Arsenic (meta) HAsО2 25 6·10-10 9,2
Cyclotetrametaphosphoric H4P4O12 25 1,66· 10-3 2,78
Hydrogen peroxide   H2О2   30 2,63·10-12 11,58
18 1·10-25 25,0
Таблица 1. Acid dissociation constants (continues)

Table of base dissociation constants

Base Formula Т,°С Кb рКb
Aluminum Hydroxide Аl(ОН)3 25 1,38·10-9 8,86
Ammonia hydrate (true constant) NH3 · Н2О 25 6,3·10-5 4,20
Ammonia hydrate (apparent constant) NH3 ·Н2О 25 1,79·10-5 4,75
Barium hydroxide Ва(ОН)2 25 2,3·10-1 0,64
Vanadium(III) hydroxide V(OH)3 25 8,3·10-12 11,08
Gallium(III) hydroxide Ga(OH)3 18 1,6·10-11 10,8
4· 10-12 11,4
Hydrazine Hydrate N2H4H2О 25 1,2·10-6 5,9
Hydroxylamine Hydrate NH2OH · H2 О 25 9,33 · 10-9 8,03
Iron(II) hydroxide Fe(OH)2 25 1,3·10-4 3,89
Iron(III) hydroxide Fe(OH)3 25 1,82·10-11 1,35·10-12 10,74 11,87
Cadmium(II) hydroxide Cd(OH)2 30 5,0·10-3 2,30
Calcium Hydroxide Ca(OH)2 25 4,3 · 10-2 1,37
Cobalt(II) hydroxide Co(OH)2 25 4·10-5 4,4
Lanthanum(W) Hydroxide La(OH)3 25 5,0·10-4 3,30
Lithium hydroxide LiOH 25 6,75·10-1 0,17
Magnesium Hydroxide Mg(OH)2 25 2,5·10-3 2,60
Manganese(II) hydroxide Mn(OH)2 30 5,0·10-4 3,30
Copper(II) hydroxide Сu(ОН)2 25 3,4 ·10-7 6,47
Sodium hydroxide NaOH 25 5,9 -0,77
Nickel(II) hydroxide Ni(OH)2 30 2,5 ·10-5 4,60
Plutonium(IV) hydroxide Pu(OH)4 25 3,2 ·10-13 12,49
Mercury(II)hydroxide Hg(OH)2 25 4,0·10-12 5,0·10-11 11,40 10,30
Lead(II) hydroxide Pb(OH)2 25 9,6·10-4 3,02
Silver(I) Hydroxide AgOH 25 1,1 ·10-4 3,96
Scandium(III) hydroxide Sc(OH)3 25 7,6·10-10 9,12
Strontium hydroxide Sr(OH)2 25 1,50·10-1 0,82
Tadlium(I) hydroxide TlOH 25 >101 <1
Thorium(IV) hydroxide Th(OH)4 25 2,0·10-10 9,70
Chromium(III) hydroxide Cr(OH)3 25 1,02 ·10-10 9,99
Zinc Hydroxide Zn(OH)2 25 4·10-5 4,4
Таблица 2. Base dissociation constants
Source: New Handbook of Chemist and Technologist. Chemical equilibrium.
Properties of solutions. — St. Petersburg: ANO NPO Professional, 2004. — 998 p.