E-learning book

Millimeter paper

You can download millimeter paper in image format by selecting the options:

A4 format (846x594) | A3 format (1692x1188)


All printers are different and in order for the millimeters to be accurate, perform the following operations:

  • Step 1: Download millimeter paper
  • Step 2: Print the file on rough paper
  • Step 3: Measure the distance between two bold lines (I got 132 mm)
  • Step 4: Open the calculator and divide 100 by the resulting figure: 100 / 132 = 0.757 ≈ 0.76
  • Step 5: In the print settings, specify a scale of 76% and print on a blank paper
Image width in pixels
Image height in pixels
When you click on the download button, the image will open in a new window