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Analysis of variance

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ANOVA in statistics is a powerful tool for determining the influence of different groups of observations among themselves. The analysis of variance was introduced by Fisher, an English scientist who made a huge contribution to the development of science. ANOVA is an acronym for ANalysis Of VAriance.


Suppose you want to conduct an empirical study of gasoline quality, for this you fill up the tank at one gas station and drive n kilometers, repeat such an experiment, say, five times, then conduct the same experiment, only at a different gas station. You have two sets of data - refueling A and refueling B. Certainly, the figures are scattered, but there is still some dependence, so that would determine whether refueling affects gasoline consumption (or the data are not related) You are using variance analysis.

The analysis of variance allows you to determine which of the factors affects more, intra-group or intergroup. In the example above, you will be able to determine how much the choice of gas station affects gasoline consumption. This is the essence of the dispersion analysis: to find out whether the selected factor is significant for the selected observations.

In a sense, the analysis of variance is similar to regression and correlation analyses, because it allows determine the influence of variables on each other.


In theory, a simple model is built to analyze the variance, similar to the one studied in time series analysis.


The model of the analysis of variance includes the average value, the effect of the experiment and a random error:

y = μ + τ + ε
τ - experiment effect, ε - random error


One-factor analysis of variance considers the influence of one criterion, it is done this way: we conduct two experiments, in one of them we include an additional factor and analyze whether this factor has made changes. As initial data, consider the results of a number of experiments:

μ = (45.2 + 46.4 + 85.4 + 45.8) / 4 = 55.7
The square of errors within groups (Square Sum within group):
SSw = ΣiΣj(yij - μi)2 = 1032
The square of errors between groups (Square Sum between group):
SSb = Σii - μ)2 = 1176.84
Given the degrees of freedom, the expected average is:
MSw = SSw / a(n-1) = 68.8
MSb = SSb / a-1 = 294.21
Value of Fcrit :
F0 = MSb/MSw = 4.276

Fischer's test: if the value of F0 turns out to be greater than the value of F λ,4,15, then the factor has an impact.

For n = 20 and a = 5, Fλ,n-a,a-1 = Fλ,15,4= 5.86
Since F0 = 4.276 < 5.86, then we assume that the introduced factor did not have an effecton the results of the experiment.


In two- factor analysis , three hypotheses are put forward for verification:

  • Factors A and B do not affect the result
  • Factor A does not affect the result
  • Factor B does not affect the result

To carry out a two-factor analysis, it is necessary to make groups of results: several measurements for all values of each of the factors, i.e.:


Next, the average value for each factor value is calculated, i.e. the average for A1, the average for B1, etc. Then it is calculated the total average for all results. Let's set the number of criteria: k = 2 (the number of criteria A) and m = 2 (the number of criteria B).

T = ΣΣΣxijk
The sum of elements under the influence of factor A:
TAi = Σxi·k
The sum of elements under the influence of factor B:
TBj = Σx·jk
The sum of elements under the influence of factor AB:
TAiBj = Σxij·
SST = Σx2ijk - T2/N
SSA = ΣT2Ai/n·m - T2/N
SSB = ΣT2Bj/n·k - T2/N
SSAB = ΣΣT2AiBj/n - SSA - SSB - T2/N
SSE = ΣΣΣx2ijk - ΣΣT2AiBj/n


MSE = SSE/(n-1)·m·k
MSA = SSA/k-1
MSB = SSB/m-1
MSAB = SSAB/(m-1)·(k-1)
Test "Criterion A does notaffect the result", ν1= k-1:
Test "Criterion B does notaffect the result", ν1= m-1:
Test "Criteria A and B do notaffect the result", ν1 = (k-1)(m-1):

For each F, if F > F α,ν12, then the hypothesis is rejected. ν2 = N-mk


Multivariate analysis is similar to two-factor analysis - the same operations are performed, but the criteria are grouped and the influence of each of the factors is found iteratively.

With repeated measurements

The analysis of variance with repeated measurements indicates that several tests were performed for each criterion measurements of a random variable to obtain a more accurate result (since ANOVA) uses the intra-group sum of squares.


Dispersion analysis is used in a wide variety of branches of science and production when it is necessary to study the dependence of the criteria on the difference in average values, while comparing not the average value, but the spread the results are around the mean, i.e. the variance.

Solving problems

As an example, let's give a problem from metrology. The plant houses five machines that produce shafts. It is necessary to determine whether the choice of a machine tool or the training of an employee affects the result of production. For analysis measurements are made for each machine and employee, the result is a table:

Operator 1
M1 30.394 30.326 30.356 30.336 30.39 30.345 30.335 30.343 30.337 30.359
M2 30.256 30.203 30.219 30.227 30.224 30.223 30.222 30.256 30.272 30.284
M3 30.361 30.378 30.327 30.353 30.301 30.392 30.327 30.342 30.34 30.386
M4 30.313 30.338 30.365 30.343 30.352 30.346 30.368 30.335 30.392 30.373
M5 30.343 30.374 30.452 30.319 30.55 30.546 30.335 30.463 30.341 30.391
Operator 2
M1 30.971 30.422 30.992 30.968 30.398 30.728 30.885 30.485 30.974 30.432
M2 30.399 30.322 30.354 30.344 30.337 30.388 30.318 30.382 30.342 30.308
M3 30.361 30.377 30.395 30.381 30.3 30.359 30.331 30.307 30.324 30.38
M4 30.73 30.689 30.501 30.444 30.44 30.418 30.718 30.396 30.37 30.658
M5 30.39 30.389 30.316 30.301 30.387 30.383 30.334 30.373 30.373 30.366

Let's use the method of two-factor analysis, factor A is the operator, factor B is the machine. Calculate the sums of squares, to do this, you need to calculate the average value for each of the groups:

3040.293 1517.0531523.24 610.776 605.88 607.022 608.889 607.726
SSA = 0.383
SSB = 0.7
SSAB = 0.557
SSE = 0.929

MSA = 0.383
MSB = 0.175
MSAB = 0.139
MSE = 0.232

FA = 1.651
FB = 0.754
FAB = 0.599

Critical values for the Fischer test:
Fcrit A = F0.1, 1, 90 = 2.77
Fcrit B = F0.1, 4, 90 = 2.01
Fcrit AB = F0.1, 4, 90 = 2.01

Results table:

The impact of the machine on the result Yes 1.651 < 2.77
The impact of the employee's qualifications on the result Yes 0.754 < 2.01
The mutual influence of the employee's qualifications and the choice of the machine on the result Yes 0.599 < 2.01

In excel/Open Calc

To solve the variance analysis in a spreadsheet, you will need the following formulas:

sumproduct Sum of products, used to find the sum of squares
finv Inverse value of the distribution F - Fisher criterion

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